
+  Support The Centre Through  +


Newport Cottage Care Centre is a charity and does not receive funding from the NHS. All the funds we can raise ourselves are essential to help us to continue providing a vital service to our local community.


Over recent years, we have successfully raised funds to build a dedicated arts and crafts room, purchase a new minibus, and improve our garden area with an all-weather patio surface and new boundary fencing. All of this has been achieved through the support of the community of Newport.


There are many ways that you can support us. You can come to one of our fundraising Events, join our Lottery, shop via Easy Fundraising or you can donate through Just Giving.


The League of Friends also raises funds for the centre through their charity shop in Baddeley Court. Donations of bric-a-brac, clothes and other items are very welcome. For more information click here.

Private Donations

Make A Private Donation

Donations to the centre are always welcome in cash, cheque or bank transfer.

If you mish to make a private donation to the centre and you pay income tax, then please consider completing a gift aid form at no extra cost to you, the tax is credited to us by the Government.

Bank Transfer

"Elderly people do need our help - and respect. Help us to help them."

Newport Cottage Care Centre
Charity Boxes

A Charity Collection Box In Your Shop

One of our charity collection boxes is a great way to raise funds for the centre.

They are ideal for pubs, cafes and other local businesses – many shops and businesses on the High Street in Newport already have one of our boxes.

If you are holding an activity / event and want to raise money for the centre, please contact Angie on 01952 820893 and we can arrange for you to have one of our collection boxes.

Easy Fundraising

We Are Now Registered With Easy Fundraising

Great news, we’ve registered Newport Cottage Care Centre Trust with #easyfundraising, which means over 7,500 brands will now donate to us for FREE every time you use easyfundraising to shop with them.

These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long.

Sign up using the QR code or go to and look for Newport Cottage Care Centre Trust under “Find a cause”.

Thank You!

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